Not sure if you have already heard, but when we came back to Redding, Ca we knew it was going to be for a short time. We didn’t really know how long it would be though. Well as of two weeks ago we have decided we are going to be moving to Los Angeles, CA. […]

What can I say about my daughter? She is amazing. She is beautiful. She is smart. She loves people. I am amazed at how much that she has grown in this past year. She can almost have full conversations with me, where she understands most of what I am saying. She also loves to sing, […]
It’s All Happening.

So things have been amazing here, and we have done a terrible job trying to keep this blog up-to-date. The reality is that I [Patrick] am learning things every day. In my classes, during chapels, in church on Sunday’s, in conversations I’m having with people from all over the world, and not to mention all […]
Too Much..

So since I last wrote something, too much has happened to explain it all, let’s just say that God is good! We founds some amazing friends from the states, we found friends from here in Sydney, Australia, We were blessed with furniture, we found a car for pretty cheap, we found housing that we are sharing […]