Magical Mystery Tour..

Not sure if you have already heard, but when we came back to Redding, Ca we knew it was going to be for a short time. We didn’t really know how long it would be though. Well as of two weeks ago we have decided we are going to be moving to Los Angeles, CA. […]
Too Much..

So since I last wrote something, too much has happened to explain it all, let’s just say that God is good! We founds some amazing friends from the states, we found friends from here in Sydney, Australia, We were blessed with furniture, we found a car for pretty cheap, we found housing that we are sharing […]
Trip to Ohio.
My brother got married this past weekend, so we traveled out to Ohio, where I lived for 23 years of my life. Every time we come to Ohio it is like a blast from the past. We see family, friends, church, stores, and restaurants. There is really too much to do, and little time to […]