Seven Well, yesterday my son turned 7. I can’t believe what an amazing, talented, brave, and fun boy he has grown into being. He is learning to swim [he can now dive under water and search for dive toys]. He is doing great with his school stuff, and when he tries he can read really […]
God is faithful
On Memorial Day of 2013 I had a miscarriage. I was 12 weeks along, and we were all sad and confused. Josiah and Promise were so overjoyed with the prospect of having a new baby sibling, and then for months after were still processing the sadness and confusion. We talked a lot about heaven and […]
Magical Mystery Tour..

Not sure if you have already heard, but when we came back to Redding, Ca we knew it was going to be for a short time. We didn’t really know how long it would be though. Well as of two weeks ago we have decided we are going to be moving to Los Angeles, CA. […]